154 research outputs found

    Frequency domain analysis of transmission zeroes on high-speed interconnects in the presence of an orthogonal metal grid underlayer

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    4 p.International audienceThis paper addresses high-speed interconnects in high density systems (Systems on Chip (SoC) in package (SiP) ...). These lines (of miscostrip or coplanar type) often have an underlayer of orthogonal metal grids which can affect transmission characteristics. We subsequently present a characterization through S-parameter measurements and electromagnetic simulations. Two kinds of grid are studied; grounded (CC) and floating grid (CO). In both cases, transmission zeroes appear. The position of these transmission zeroes in the frequency domain depends mainly on the grid length and, of course, on the grid charge CC or CO. In order to easily estimate it, we propose a simple equivalent circuit model which we validate by measurements and electromagnetic simulations. We then determine a set of expressions based on this model enabling us to analytically pinpoint the location transmission zero in the frequency domain, valid for any underlayer of orthogonal metal lines or grids

    Méthode d'extraction fréquentielle de l'inductance de boucle pour la modélisation large bande des interconnexions de circuits numériques

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    4 pagesNational audienceDans le contexte des interconnexions de circuits numériques avancés, la modélisation de type RC actuelle n'est plus suffisamment précise face à l'augmentation des fréquences d'horloge, notamment en ce qui concerne les niveaux globaux. Les effets inductifs sont donc à prendre en compte et le concept de l'inductance de boucle semble être une solution intéressante pour ne pas complexifier de façon excessive les modèles. Nous décrivons dans ce papier une méthode d'extraction fréquentielle de l'inductance de boucle permettant de prendre en compte les effets de proximité dus à l'augmentation de la fréquence. Nous proposons, de plus, un modèle compact que nous validons par une analyse temporelle

    Simulation, Measurement and Modeling of Orthogonal On-Chip Interconnects

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    International audienceThis paper explains the appearance of resonant frequency due to underlayer orthogonal metal grid in microstrip line structures. In the context of global interconnects, this resonant frequency may lead to noise and has to be estimate. A model, which allows one to approximate this resonant frequency, is validated by measurement

    Transcriptomic dataset for Sardina pilchardus: Assembly, annotation, and expression of nine tissues.

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    [EN]European sardine or pilchard is a planktonic small pelagic fish present from the North Sea in Europe to the coast of Senegal in the North of Africa, and across the Mediterranean sea to the Black Sea. Ecologically, sardines are an intermediary link in the trophic network, preying on plankton and being predated by larger fishes, marine mammals, and seabirds. This species is of great nutritional and economic value as a cheap but rich source of protein and fat. It is either consumed directly by humans or fed as fishmeal for aquaculture and farm animals. Despite its importance in the food basket, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in protein and lipid synthesis in this species. We collected nine tissues of Sardina pilchardus and reconstructed the transcriptome. In all, 198,597 transcripts were obtained, from which 68,031 are protein-coding. Quality assessment of the transcriptome was performed by back-mapping reads to the transcriptome and by searching for Single Copy Orthologs. Additionally, Gene Ontology and KEGG annotations were retrieved for most of the protein-coding genes. Finally, each library was quantified in terms of Transcripts per Million to disclose their expression patterns.We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Basque Government through a predoctoral grant (PRE_2017_2_0169) and from the Basque University System research group IT1233-19, “Applied Genomics and Bioinformatics”. We also acknowledge funding from the IFREMER institute and by FFP (France Filière Pêche) through the project CAPTAIN

    Nouvelles interconnexions globales à haut débit pour la réalisation de microsystèmes communicants de type SIP.

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    4 pagesNational audienceLes microsystèmes intégrés sur puces (SoC) ou en boîtier (SiP) sont actuellement en plein essor et nécessitent le développement de nouvelles structures d'interconnexions reliant les différents blocs fonctionnels entre eux. Nous proposons dans ce papier l'étude du concept d'interconnexion RF par couplage capacitif qui est une solution intéressante pour remplacer les interconnexions classiques. Dans un premier temps nous décrivons le principe de cette technique et montrons à l'aide de simulations circuits de type ADS, la faisabilité de ce concept. Nous présentons ensuite la caractérisation d'un canal de type microruban, réalisée sous HFSS ainsi que son comportement dans le domaine temporel. I. Introductio

    Evaluating the suitability of coupled biophysical models for fishery management

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    The potential role of coupled biophysical models in enhancing the conservation, management, and recovery of fish stocks is assessed, with emphasis on anchovy, cod, herring, and sprat in European waters. The assessment indicates that coupled biophysical models are currently capable of simulating transport patterns, along with temperature and prey fields within marine ecosystems; they therefore provide insight into the variability of early-life-stage dynamics and connectivity within stocks. Moreover, the influence of environmental variability on potential recruitment success may be discerned from model hindcasts. Based on case studies, biophysical modelling results are shown to be capable of shedding light on whether stock management frameworks need re-evaluation. Hence, key modelling products were identified that will contribute to the development of viable stock recovery plans and management strategies. The study also suggests that approaches combining observation, process knowledge, and numerical modelling could be a promising way forward in understanding and simulating the dynamics of marine fish populations

    Integrating biogeochemistry and ecology into ocean data assimilation systems

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    Monitoring and predicting the biogeochemical state of the ocean and marine ecosystems is an important application of operational oceanography that needs to be expanded. The accurate depiction of the ocean's physical environment enabled by Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) systems, in both real-time and reanalysis modes, is already valuable for various for various applications, such as the fishing industry and fisheries management. However, most of these applications require accurate estimates of both physical and biogeochemical ocean conditions over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. In this paper, we discuss recent developments that enable coupling new biogeochemical models and assimilation components with the existing GODAE systems, and we examine the potential of such systems in several areas of interest: phytoplankton biomass monitoring in the open ocean, ocean carbon cycle monitoring and assessment, marine ecosystem management at seasonal and longer time scales, and downscaling in coastal areas. A number of key requirements and research priorities are then identified for the future, GODAE systems will need to improve their representation of physical variables that are not yet considered essential, such as upper-ocean vertical fluxes that are critically important to biological activity. Further, the observing systems will need to be expanded in terms of in situ platforms (with intensified deployments of sensors for O-2 and chlorophyll, and inclusion of new sensors for nutrients, zooplankton, micronekton biomass, and others), satellite missions (e.g., hyperspectral instruments for ocean color, lidar systems for mixed-layer depths, and wide-swath altimeters for coastal sea level), and improved methods to assimilate these new measurements

    ICES. 2020. Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES areas 7, 8 and 9

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    he Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys (WGACEGG) coordinates pelagic surveys for a number of stocks and provides monitoring for the two major sardine and anchovy stocks in ICES areas 6, 7, 8, and 9. The group evaluated small pelagic fish biomass indices derived from acoustic and Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) surveys in ICES areas 6, 7, 8 and 9. These indices have been provided to the ICES Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA), the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) and the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62ÂşN (HAWG) stock assessment group, to serve as fishery-independent input for analytical assessment purposes. DEPM and acoustic indices were derived based on data collected using independent methods. Acoustic- and DEPM-derived biomass indices from quasi-synoptic surveys conducted in the Bay of Biscay in spring were compared, to assess the presence of potential bias and to improve the precision of fish stock biomass estimates. The DEPM-based anchovy biomass index was 22% higher than the acoustic index in 2019. Unusual concentrations of anchovy in Eastern Cantabrian Sea, an area not covered by the acoustic survey, and the presence near the sea surface of actively spawning individuals possibly under-sampled by acoustics in central Bay of Bay had been postulated as potential causes of this discrepancy. No significant difference was found between sardine biomass indices derived from DEPM and acoustics in 2019. The group has updated its database of standard gridded maps covering the European Atlantic area. This initiative continues to inform on the spatial dynamics of various parameters collected during the surveys coordinated under the auspices of the group (fish acoustic densities, anchovy and sardine egg abundance, surface temperature and salinity). Results of an analysis of the time series of gridded maps (anchovy and sardine acoustic density, surface salinity and temperature) showed quantitative changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of anchovy and sardine over the last 15 years, and further define their habitats in European Atlantic waters in spring. The timing and spatial coverage of DEPM and acoustic surveys that will be conducted by group members in 2020 were planned to optimise the monitoring of anchovy and sardine populations and their pelagic environment in the European Atlantic area. The synoptic nature of the survey components has been assessed for each target species. A manual describing the protocols used during the DEPM surveys coordinated by the WGACEGG group was reviewed, and writing of a manual of WGACEGG acoustic surveys continued. Both manuals will be available in 2020. The final results of the 2017 sardine DEPM assessment were endorsed by the group

    Preliminary results from the ECOCADIZ 2020-07 Spanish acoustic survey (01 – 14 August 2020)

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    The present working document summarises a part of the main results obtained from the Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic survey conducted by IEO between 01st and 14th August 2020 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Miguel Oliver. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 26 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. Four additional night trawls were conducted to collect anchovy hydrated females (DEPM). This working document only provides abundance and biomass estimates for anchovy, sardine and chub mackerel, which are presented without age structure. The distribution of all the mid-sized and small pelagic fish species susceptible of being acoustically assessed is also shown from the mapping of their back-scattering energies. GoC anchovy acoustic estimates in summer 2020 were of 5153 million fish and 44 877 tones, with the bulk of the population occurring in the Spanish waters. The current biomass estimate becomes in the second historical maximum within the time-series. The estimates of sardine abundance and biomass in summer 2020 were 1923 million fish and 50 721 t, estimates close to the historical average, but lower than the values estimated last year and the most recent maxima reached in 2018. A total of 32 854 t and 448 million fish were estimated for Chub mackerel, estimates similar to the most recent ones and very close to the time-series average

    Des livres et des idées - Biennale des sciences humaines et sociales 2012

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    "L\u27édition de sciences humaines et sociales : le cœur en danger", ainsi Sophie Barluet intitulait-elle son rapport commandé par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, remis en 2004. Si la question du devenir des sciences humaines et sociales n\u27est pas réductible à sa seule présence sur les tables des libraires, la vitalité du secteur est sans cesse questionnée, depuis la mort des Pères : Sartre, Foucault, Barthes, Bourdieu, Derrida…, depuis la chute du mur de Berlin, et la prégnance – comme allant de soi - du capitalisme (financier), et l\u27effacement du politique, depuis le 11 septembre 2001, entrée fracassante dans le XXIe siècle, comme il y eut Sarajevo un siècle plus tôt, depuis le bouleversement des techniques de lecture et de publication (numérique). Pour autant, la pensée est toujours féconde. De jeunes chercheurs interrogent l\u27histoire et le colonialisme pour comprendre les révolutions du Moyen-Orient, sondent l\u27économie et la finance, analysent nos sociétés. Pour autant, l\u27édition critique traduit, découvre, parfois survit, les chercheurs publient ; voir, à ce propos, l\u27ouvrage de Sophie Noël : L\u27édition indépendante critique : engagements politiques et intellectuels (Presses de l\u27enssib, novembre 2012), ainsi que les trois volumes Faire les sciences sociales aujourd\u27hui publiés par les éditions de l\u27EHESS (octobre 2012). C\u27est pour donner la parole à ceux et celles qui nous aident à comprendre le monde que l\u27enssib, avec la librairie Passages, l\u27école des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) et la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, en collaboration avec la Fondation de la Maison des sciences de l\u27homme (FMSH), ont organisé cette première biennale des sciences humaines et sociales, dont le thème (générique) est "penser la crise"
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